Frontend Developer

UX & UI Lover

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Hello, I'm Sava Lazic

Frontend Developer & Web Designer focused on web trends and interactivity.
Check out my portfolio.

Limitless App Landing Page

UI/Frontend Development

I have been working on mobile app landing page template. Primary focus was on scroll animation and beautiful design.

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Riobasket Basketball Fantasy

UI/Frontend Development

My collegues and I found Riobasket fantasy game. Through Olympics 2016. Riobasket was played by more then 100 players from Serbia.

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Mar Medica

UI/Frontend Development

Recently I worked on Mar Medica one-page website.

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GA2S Design

UI/Frontend Development

This is first version of GA2S web design agency. Later this year we will present second version.

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Bock Trocknung

UI/Frontend Development

Website for German client Christopher Bock. I was very focused on UX, to get him more clients.

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My First Personal Portfolio

UI/Frontend Development

First try to develop good looking portfolio. It's my first, so I love it!

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TJ Personal Website

UI/Frontend Development

Playing around with some PSD, and converting to HTML.

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Let's work together

I'm always available to work on interested projects. Just drop me a message at

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